Norwegian Forest Cat


seasonal malaise kicking my ass... but I finally have gotten around to doing my start-of-the-month site updates (only a little over a week late! ✌️)

film rec pages as always have been refreshed to get rid of unavailable titles—but only two needed to be switched out this go around! Jennifer's Body was made available again on Tubi, which is always a treat. the other 'new' title to be added to the main film recs page is the 2004 Phantom of the Opera (I knoooow it's not a very good adaptation lol, but I have such a nostalgic love for it!)

briefly, some life updates:

1) I have discovered the delicious, simple joy of adding hot chocolate packets to my hot coffee,

2) I have been experimenting more w/ instant pot recipes, & have made & eaten many delicious soups,

3) I (unfortunately) have developed eczema! on my eyelids!! a witch's curse surely has been placed upon me. I am thankfully consoled by my mochas and soups.

as for other media I've been viewing w/ my sad, dry eyeballs... I finally watched The Menu with my sibling, which we both found rather blah. the lack of cannibalism was so very sad... like a meal w/ no spice 😔

I'm currently watching the 1st season of Twin Peaks with some friends (a rewatch for me, but their first time!), & I am very glad that they have been enjoying it so far!

(her log will have something to say about this...!)

happy new year!! 🥳

they say what you do on the first day of the new year sets the tone for the rest of the year... I spent today running errands & spending time with a friend! also slurping down a large iced coffee. sounds about right to me! 😅

for the start of the new year as well as the start of the month, I've refreshed the media rec pages as usual—and was very pleasantly surprised to discover that the Comanche-language version of Prey is currently free to watch on Tubi! I really enjoyed this film, but when I first watched it, unfortunately could only find the English-language version. I'll be glad to have an excuse to plan a rewatch with the Comanche-language version instead!

(laughing aloud at these bts clips... okay sir!!)

I was also slightly bewildered to discover... a live-action version of Whisper of the Heart?? or rather, this seems to be a live-action sequel set 10 years after the events of the animated film. the things you randomly come across while browsing Tubi!

as I have time & motivation, I hope to continue to fiddle around with the site some more! as always, I am making slow & steady progress on my own personal watchlist... a new little 90s/early 2000s anime rec page will come! ...eventually!!

a largely thinking-aloud journal entry! as of typing this, there is little over a day left until Christmas... crazy!!

I look forward to giving gifts (& therefore getting all the wrapping materials that have been plaguing me Out Of The Way), but also the theoretical 'fresh start' of the new year that comes soon after. I've never held myself too strictly to new year's resolutions in the past, but I do still have a lot of fun making them :)

once all the Christmas festivities & related chaos are over, I am genuinely looking forward to a general cleaning & organizational reset! there are definitely parts of the house that are overdue for a deep-clean, as well as some drawers & closets in need of their yearly sorting. I am determined to enter the new year with things feeling (& smelling!) Fresh 🤘

I plan to make more use of my incense collection this coming year, & to perhaps experiment with some different scents as well. last time I went shopping for some, I was intrigued by some lemongrass & ginger incense that I saw, but didn't pick up—next year will be the time to try! in general, I hope to make more use of my various personal effects in general (teas, body lotions & hair oils, etc). next year can be the year of making use of what I have, & having fun doing so :)

in line with both personal organization & enjoying myself—I plan to finally go through all of my bookmarks, & (finally!!) watch the various animated series & films that I've saved but have yet to get to. my bookmarks tab is, frankly, an insane scroll right now 😅

to get myself started, I finally began Haibane Renmei (once I realized it only had 13 episodes, & with all my free time, I really had no excuse not to...). I was always intrigued by the concept & character design whenever I came across fanworks & gifsets of this series, & even having just seen one episode, I'm really enjoying it! and honestly, I'm already in love w/ the chain-smoking big sister... 🚬👼

if I do manage to make headway on my absurd 90s/early 2000s anime collection (we'll see how far I get, lmao), I am interested in making a dedicated recommendations page (or a shrine of some sort?) with all my favorites. but I'll leave that as another vague 'maybe' for this coming year (❁´◡`❁)

happy(???) December! it is officially eggnog-in-coffee season ☕

the film recs page has been updated, with a few new films being added to replace currently-unavailable titles. I didn't really bother selecting any 'festive' titles—unless you consider the beloved Christmas classic, Die Hard


in current news: I am still (happily) in Webfishing hell!

as of typing this up, I am very close to reaching the current level cap in-game! I think even after 'completing' the game, I'll def keep returning to it just for the chill atmosphere & friendly people. most people I've spoken to have been so kind (especially after becoming practiced in dodging the occassional cringelord teen, lol).

the 'cozy' atmosphere of Webfishing has also rekindled my interest in Stardew & other cozy games. my god, I want to farm again! I yearn for the pixel mines.

I won't make any promises to myself, but maybe after I've 'finished up' with Webfishing, I might actually play that My Time At Portia game that's been sitting in my Steam library for 5 years. or maybe I shall move onto something entirely different... we shall see :)c

I very recently have gotten into a new Animal-Crossing-esque fishing game, Webfishing! ... just in time for hackers to begin botting multiplayer servers en-mass for the holidays 😅

very unfortunate... but I had a ton of fun while I could chat w/ other players unhindered, & (thankfully) there seems to be no trouble while playing the game solo/offline.

may a solution be found soon!! I enjoyed being in chatrooms w/ a bunch of pixel cats&dogs acting goofy :')'

here is a pic of my little guy holding my favorite glitchy fish in the game, The Creature 👻

I finished updating the film rec pages, & I am super happy w/ how they look now!!

I enjoy being able to see all the current 'picks' at a glance--& it's so much fun to search for interesting/alternate posters for each film, lol! I am much more confident that I'll be able to update my picks monthly (as I would like to) in this format.

in some personal life news: I got to visit my friend's alpaca family again yesterday! the two babies are already so big... they all were happy to receive pets this time, but I only wish they wouldn't be so interested in trying to nibble my ankles😅

tomorrow I drive out to The Woods™️ w/ another friend, & I am going to try my best to fight past the allergy woes & get a moderate amount of walking in w/ the animals. it's going to be so pretty outside! we shall also see if I can convince my friend to watch some more spooky movies... Halloween season is never over, only extended 😇

made some more progress on updating the layout for each page! 💪

still fiddling w/ the initial placement of containers (& will likely continue to do so, lol).

in futzing around experimenting w/ new things, I have:

1) figured out how to apply color filters to entire webpages! I'm currently obsessed w/ the sickly green-purple combo I've created, but it may prove to be too obnoxious... I will sit w/ it & see how I feel!

2) figured out how to create collapsible containers, used on this very page! very fun :o)

3) found some neat code to create a continuous, timer-based Beanie Baby Generator for the beanie page! this, paired w/ the video added to this page has made me absurdly happy for the past 24 hours, lol.

as for my very disorganized to-do:

→ I want to test this color-filter code on more pages (to see if it's something I actually want to stick with),

→ revamp my media page(s) entirely (& likely doing away w/ my personal blurbs concerning each film, short though they are—I'm thinking I might just do some monthly Tubi favs, separated by genre? that seems much easier for keeping up-to-date as far as active/broken links),

→ & then add some new pages & shrines! my goal is to have (almost) every image/container on the site link through to a new, fun little page o(*^▽^*)┛

I'm going to be spending this coming weekend in The Woods™️ (with a thankfully decent internet connection), so I should have plenty of time to continue playing around w/ the site 😋

I have a journal page now! wow!! (@^0^)

I have, extremely lazily, reused my sitemap layout code for this page... except it's totally not lazy. I am simply very smart & reusing code that might not be seen very often regardless 👼

I don't want to make promises to myself that I might not be able to keep up w/ long-term, but my general idea for making this page was that

1) I could make personal plans/to-do lists concerning things to play around w/ on the site, and

2) possibly journal about nice things that happen in my life--maybe on a monthly basis? or maybe just as they occur to me, if something especially noteworthy happens. a digital positivity journal as it were :o)

I'm realizing that as I type this up, the spellcheck on the code-previewing site I usually use doesn't seem to be working... or maybe it never had spellcheck in the firstplace?? did I really never notice that? makes me think about how many typos may be laying out unnoticed all throughout my site...